Santos Boxing Gym proudly provides a variety of complimentary programs for children, teenagers, and adults, setting us apart from the typical non-profit gym. Unlike non-profit facilities, we don’t receive funding such as grants or government assistance due to our for-profit status. However, to sustain these valuable free offerings, we welcome donations and sponsorships.
Our programs include boxing and self-defense classes, addressing the prevalent issue of bullying in schools. Additionally, we offer a weight loss and confidence-building course designed to tackle childhood obesity. Our RISE Program targets troubled and at-risk youth through an 8-week series of workshops. Most recently, we’ve introduced a Boxing Decompression class, specifically aimed at adults struggling with depression.
Our goals and objectives are to reach out to our youth here in the Antelope Valley, including at-risk and underprivileged kids. We are dedicated to promoting positive development in young people. To give youth a constructive, healthy alternative to gang violence and drug activity while helping them build the skills and determination necessary to realize a positive future for themselves and their community. This will be accomplished through positive role modeling, developing leadership skills, and boosting their self-esteem. Having this program in place will provide youth with a safe and stable setting in which they can productively release those feelings which may influence negative choices. In every community, boys and girls are left to find their own recreation and companionship in the streets. Young people need to know that someone cares about them. We are here to help them to the best of our abilities.