Dual-Layer Double Mouthpiece for Superior Protection


Elevate your game with our Dual-Layer Double Mouthpiece, the ultimate choice for athletes seeking comprehensive oral protection. This double mouthguard is designed to offer superior safety by covering both the upper and lower teeth, making it ideal for high-impact sports where extra dental security is paramount.



Elevate your game with our Dual-Layer Double Mouthpiece, the ultimate choice for athletes seeking comprehensive oral protection. This double mouthguard is designed to offer superior safety by covering both the upper and lower teeth, making it ideal for high-impact sports where extra dental security is paramount. The translucent design is made from high-quality, durable materials that provide a comfortable yet secure fit, reducing the risk of injury. With its easy-to-mold feature, athletes can quickly achieve a personalized fit that ensures protection without hindering communication or breathing. Whether you’re in the ring or on the field, our double mouthpiece is your best defense against sports-related dental injuries.

(In-store Pickup Only)

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